Gemini (May 22 - June 21): The multitasker of the zodiac, you find it difficult to tackle just one issue at at time. Adaptable, versatile and a natural intellectual, you are terrified most by boredom - so how about you go for something wildly exciting and exotic from the market? Try évora: a spicy, fruity sheep's cheese from Portgual. This small cheese is made from raw sheep's milk that is immersed in salty brine then filtered through a mesh lining. The peppery, piquant flavor only gets stronger as it matures.
June 06, 2010
May 09, 2010
The Hoppy Couple

There's nothing like a delicious brew and some flavorful cheese to set the mood for a casual get-together with friends. Nothing screams "we are unsnobby and fun-loving" louder than a shared interest in beer bellies and stinky breath. And it seems as though beer has been gaining increasing popularity as a better complement to cheese than vino—perhaps because, as Chris George, seasoned cheese monger at Neal's Yard Dairy, notes, unlike wine and cheese, "if a beer and cheese combo doesn't work, it's less offensive because it's not as strong." George, who hosts regular cheese tasting events at the London fromagerie, also acknowledges the obvious price gap as an incentive for boozing it. When you're talking £2 for a bottle of beer as opposed to £30 for a bottle of wine, "You can experiment more because it's not going to break the bank." [Insert typical recession statement here.] Beer it is.
George avoids giving any hard-and-fast advice for pairing specific beers and cheeses, and instead prefers to dispense some general knowledge and let people experiment for themselves to see what flavor combos they enjoy best. "Your palate can change," he adds. When pairing, however, you typically want to keep an eye out for a brew with lots of alcohol, body, and sweetness.
If you're a virgin to the beer and cheese scene, your safest bet may be to stick with George's top three cheese-friendly picks for your soiree. The most versatile beers, he recommends, are Indian pale ales (IPA), Chimay ales, and porter beers. IPA tends to be pale to medium-colored, very hoppy and not too bitter. Its light carbonation, additionally, is quite palate-cleansing, especially useful given the high fat content of cheese. Chimay and other Belgian beers are lovely companions for washed-rind cheeses—pink, sticky, pungent cheeses like Epoisses, Muenster, Taleggio and Gruyere, for instance. Dark, sweet beers high in alcohol (look for ones that are 8.5% ABV), like Skull Splitter, Old Tom malts and Christmas keg, contrast well with blue cheeses; a Porter beer (a dark ale that's not as sweet nor high in alcohol) is a bit more versatile.

If you'd like to indulge in a little sophistication, Lucy Saunders, the beer expert and chef behind, suggests assembling a good selection of cheese from each category (four to six varieties of cheese) for your party, accompanied by mild, bland crackers, like water crackers or toast rounds. In general, she recommends starting with more subtle cheeses and light-bodied beer, progressing to more intense, flavorful pairings. Check out for some sweet recommendations from Ms. Saunders.
And to cap off the night after finishing off one too many six-packs, how about a round of cheese charades? (Yes, it's exactly what you think it is...and it's amazing.)
April 23, 2010
Cheesoscope of the Month: Taurus
Taurus (April 21 - May 21): You need order, security and self-assurance. You generally maintain very secure and stable relationships, but that may be because you're wary of change—you try to avoid chaos and indecision at all costs. Loosen up, dude. You don't like taking too many risks, so your best bet is a versatile, mild, run-of-the-mill cheese, like cheddar, which won't send you into a tizzy at first bite.

April 14, 2010
Hey, hey, Reypenaer
April 06, 2010
Cheesoscope of the Month: Aries

April 04, 2010
going Dutch

March 11, 2010
Sweet things
When you're feeling...
Sassy & chic: Lola's red velvet cupcakes at Selfridges. These fluffy, perfectly sweet little gems are topped with an equally perfect cream cheese frosting, in terms of taste, texture and quantity. Available in normal size (£2) or bite-size (£1) varieties, make sure to snatch these up (as the girl behind the counter advised me) before the 7pm rush, when then they fly off the shelves like blazin' red hotcakes. Check out more flavors at

Like a pauper: Gu chocolate & vanilla cheesecakes. Soft cream cheese, rich Belgian chocolate & crumbly biscuit all in one handy lil' glass ramekin you can use forever and evermore, for anything from paintbrush rinsing to amoeba farming. Available at your local supermarket (try Tesco or Sainsbury's), £2.99 for a package of two.

March 07, 2010
Totes Cool

Perfect for hitting up the market or grocery store for all your cheesy necessities in eco-friendly style! This Macaroni and Cheese tote bag is 100% cotton with a squared-off bottom (20"w x 14.5" h x 4.5"d) and comes in four colors; $25-30,
February 27, 2010
Hello, Wisconsin!

February 22, 2010
Cheese on the Street 02.22.10
What's your favorite cheese, and why?
"Depends on where you're using it. Cheddar on a sandwich, buffalo mozzarella for a pizza, goat's cheese on a toastie, and any blue cheese on a baguette." - Rich, 24
February 19, 2010
Cheesoscope of the Month: Pisces

Pisces (February 20 - March 20): Compassion, kindness, and imagination run through your veins. You are highly adaptive and malleable, which, unfortunately, often means you are easily led and can be weak-willed at times. But not to worry. Blue looks good on you, and you're naturally drawn to the sea. You'll feel right at home with some blue cheese, typically washed with brine, which you'll enjoy using your creativity with in both sweet and savory dishes.
February 13, 2010
Cheese Dreams Are Made of These: Smoked Gouda

Connie: My dream was work-related. I was in this weird salon/cave-like setting and a bunch of my co-workers were there. What stood out the most was that the colors in my dream were all muted—lots of dark purples and greys.
Emmy: Big bugs kept landing on me, and I kept losing my belongings in a dark elevated train station. Colors were very vivid—almost more so than they should be in real life, like a bold purple umbrella and dark blue blazer.
Conclusion: Gouda may inspire your inner artist.
February 10, 2010
Cheese Dreams Are Made of These: Blue Cheese

Sam: My family was on a bus and we got off at a rest stop. After we got back on, another family had taken our seats. My father got really upset and demanded our seats back. The other family claimed that these were not the etiquette rules of the bus. This went back and forth for some time. I kept trying to reason with them and tell them how much it would just calm my father down if they moved their seats. Eventually they got up and moved to the back of the bus. 2nd part of dream: My friend and I started dating these two guys, and I kept catching them hitting on other girls. This bothered me, and I was starting to realize that this guy was a douche. Then my friend told me that he had turned into a vampire. I didn't want to believe it. As he was about to turn around so I could check out if he had fangs I woke up. Sabrina: I was at a restaurant in a high-rise hotel. Some woman invited me and another girl—because she was trying to figure out which one of us she was going to poison. Turns out, she was supposed to actually kill me because I was a spy of some sort. Conclusion: Blue cheese = nightmare central. Save it for early lunches, unless you consider yourself a particularly brave soul.
February 09, 2010
Cheese Dreams Are Made of These: Monterey Jack

Connie: I am at an old job and I get fired and start crying and for some reason I am wearing a tie and I keep adjusting it, but I can literally feel myself adjusting this tie. Then I'm in my room having a party and Judah Freidlander is there doing coke and he gives me some which I rub on my teeth and my whole face goes numb. The weird part of this dream was that it was one of those dreams where you feel everything as if it were real. Like I felt myself crying and being numb.
Conclusion: Monterey Jack makes you dream of celebrities and drugs. Cool!
February 07, 2010
Cheese Dreams Are Made of These: Pecorino Romano

Morgan: It was snowing out, I was in Oregon, and I was trying to catch a school bus. However, you had to pay to ride it per the number of stops you had to travel. I only had the money to pay for one stop, so I was running through the snow behind the bus until it was one stop away from mine. That way I'd only have to pay for that one last stop. At which I would get right back off. Retarded.
Conclusion: Pecorino Romano makes you dream about being poor.
February 05, 2010
Coming soon...
January 30, 2010
Cheese on the Street 01.30.10
January 28, 2010
Kitchen Fromagerie?

January 27, 2010
Rain Check
In a perfect world, it would rain Asiago. Alas, for now, you'll have to settle for shielding yourself against the elements with this bad boy. £16 ($26.50);

January 20, 2010
Cheeseoscope of the Month: Aquarius

You're an independent spirit with strong convictions and an honest, loyal character. Sometimes, though, you have a tendency to become a temporary loner and dislike interference by others, accepting it only on your own terms. Much like fresh buffalo mozzarella, which works lovely unaccompanied—though you may want snack on it drizzled in a bit of olive oil.
January 18, 2010
Cheese That's No Bull
Feeling lavish? Try some moose cheese, made in Bjursholm, Sweden, from only three female moose (aka cows)—namely, Gullan, Haelga and Juna. Husband and wife Christer and Ulla Johansson claim their 59-acre dairy farm "Moose House" is the only farm of its kind in Europe. Because the moose produce milk between May and September, and it takes up to two hours to milk each one for up to just a gallon of milk a day, the price for this rare cheese is a hefty one: up to $500 per pound (£600/kilo)! It's sold primarily to upscale Swedish hotels and restaurants, but its three varieties can also be sampled at the farm's restaurant. The farm attracts nearly 25,000 visitors a year and plans to export the cheese.

January 13, 2010
Cheese Through the Years

January 11, 2010
Cheese on the Street 1.11.10
The cheese from Kraft Mac & Cheese. There's no other cheese like it, but the problem is, you can't have the cheese on its own!
January 06, 2010
Coolest Cheese Invention of All Time?
The cheese-filtered cigarette (see actual patent illustration below). In 1966, one kooky fella, who claimed that cigarettes at the time didn't filter enough tar and nicotine, discovered that cheese did quite the efficient job. Question: Where is this man today, and will he marry me? Now, you too, can make your very own cheese-filted cig! It's easy: Use a hard cheese, grate into small pieces and mix with one-third part charcoal. The charcoal helps absorb cheese oil and keeps the filter from getting all stinky before it reaches your lips. Anyone who wouldn't take up smoking to try this is insane.