February 27, 2010

Hello, Wisconsin!

Something stinky is just around the corner...The World Championship Cheese Contest in Madison, Wisconsin! For those of you lucky enough to be near the cheese-drenched city March 16-18, participate in the dairy delights along with cheese- and butter-makers from around the world.

February 22, 2010

Cheese on the Street 02.22.10

What's your favorite cheese, and why?

"Depends on where you're using it. Cheddar on a sandwich, buffalo mozzarella for a pizza, goat's cheese on a toastie, and any blue cheese on a baguette." - Rich, 24

February 19, 2010

Cheesoscope of the Month: Pisces

Pisces (February 20 - March 20): Compassion, kindness, and imagination run through your veins. You are highly adaptive and malleable, which, unfortunately, often means you are easily led and can be weak-willed at times. But not to worry. Blue looks good on you, and you're naturally drawn to the sea. You'll feel right at home with some blue cheese, typically washed with brine, which you'll enjoy using your creativity with in both sweet and savory dishes.

February 13, 2010

Cheese Dreams Are Made of These: Smoked Gouda

Connie: My dream was work-related. I was in this weird salon/cave-like setting and a bunch of my co-workers were there. What stood out the most was that the colors in my dream were all muted—lots of dark purples and greys.

Emmy: Big bugs kept landing on me, and I kept losing my belongings in a dark elevated train station. Colors were very vivid—almost more so than they should be in real life, like a bold purple umbrella and dark blue blazer.

Conclusion: Gouda may inspire your inner artist.

February 10, 2010

Cheese Dreams Are Made of These: Blue Cheese

Sam: My family was on a bus and we got off at a rest stop. After we got back on, another family had taken our seats. My father got really upset and demanded our seats back. The other family claimed that these were not the etiquette rules of the bus. This went back and forth for some time. I kept trying to reason with them and tell them how much it would just calm my father down if they moved their seats. Eventually they got up and moved to the back of the bus.

2nd part of dream: My friend and I started dating these two guys, and I kept catching them hitting on other girls. This bothered me, and I was starting to realize that this guy was a douche. Then my friend told me that he had turned into a vampire. I didn't want to believe it. As he was about to turn around so I could check out if he had fangs I woke up.

Sabrina: I was at a restaurant in a high-rise hotel. Some woman invited me and another girl—because she was trying to figure out which one of us she was going to poison. Turns out, she was supposed to actually kill me because I was a spy of some sort.

Conclusion: Blue cheese = nightmare central. Save it for early lunches, unless you consider yourself a particularly brave soul.

February 09, 2010

Cheese Dreams Are Made of These: Monterey Jack

Connie: I am at an old job and I get fired and start crying and for some reason I am wearing a tie and I keep adjusting it, but I can literally feel myself adjusting this tie. Then I'm in my room having a party and Judah Freidlander is there doing coke and he gives me some which I rub on my teeth and my whole face goes numb. The weird part of this dream was that it was one of those dreams where you feel everything as if it were real. Like I felt myself crying and being numb.

Conclusion: Monterey Jack makes you dream of celebrities and drugs. Cool!

February 07, 2010

Cheese Dreams Are Made of These: Pecorino Romano

Morgan: It was snowing out, I was in Oregon, and I was trying to catch a school bus. However, you had to pay to ride it per the number of stops you had to travel. I only had the money to pay for one stop, so I was running through the snow behind the bus until it was one stop away from mine. That way I'd only have to pay for that one last stop. At which I would get right back off. Retarded.

Conclusion: Pecorino Romano makes you dream about being poor.

February 05, 2010

Coming soon...

Cheese Dreams Are Made of These - Part I of a series!

We've all heard the old wives' tale that cheese gives you nightmares. But is there any truth to it, or was this just some clever scheme engineered by first-generation vegans? We sent our Dream Team out on a cheese challenge to discover just how different types of fromage influenced their slumber. The first results of our very non-scientific experiment, where our subjects ate significant portions of said cheese before drifting off, coming to you this Monday.

Be astounded.

(That being said, have any of you had a spooktastic sleep after a cheese-drenched dinner? Please, tell all!)